Day 046-Fear defeats fear
As unlikely as it seems, the fear of God helps us defeat fear of the world.
Continue readingDay 045-Ten ways to prevent conflict
It’s easy to overlook how down-to-earth the 10 Commandments are; following them would eliminate much conflict, even in today’s world.
Continue readingDay 044-Helping hands
Moses, like any leader, can’t do it all himself.
Continue readingDay 043-Daily bread
The provision of manna in the wilderness was a challenge to the people to trust God day-to-day and resist the urge to store up riches.
Continue readingDay 042-Song of celebration
There’s a long road ahead, but now is a time to celebrate freedom from bondage.
Continue readingDay 041-The Lord will fight for you
As the Hebrews have second thoughts about leaving Egypt, Moses reminds them that their protection is from God.
Continue readingDay 040-In remembrance
As we read the story of the Passover, we are given instructions to remember it. Likewise, at the Last Supper, Jesus commanded that it be remembered. In both cases, they are both great events and continuing reality – their memory shapes our lives.
Continue readingDay 039-Passover
Passover is not only a sacred and defining rite for the Jewish faith. Its celebration also provided the backdrop for the crucifixion of Jesus. It is also the model for the Christian celebration of Holy Communion.
Continue readingDay 038-God 911
Some want God only as an emergency lifeline, not to have a continuing relationship.
Continue readingDay 037-God vs. gods
The plagues show Pharaoh’s hardness of heart, but also testify to God’s strength relative to the gods of Egypt.
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