Aug 8: We believe in one baptism
We believe that baptism is the visible sign of God’s lifelong claim on a person.
Continue readingAug 7: We believe baptism marks us as Christian disciples
We believe that baptism is a rite in which the church confirms God’s claim on the life of a person.
Continue readingAug 6: We believe in the sacraments of baptism and communion
As Methodists, we believe sacraments are actions initiated by Jesus during his lifetime that he specifically instructed the church to continue doing.
Continue readingAug 5: We believe worship is both our duty and our privilege
Being in worship in person is both a gift to God and a gift from God that brings us into the presence of God and brings spiritual growth.
Continue readingAug 4: We believe the church is for worship, edification and redemption
The church is the body of Christ in the world, a redemptive fellowship for worship, edification and redemption.
Continue readingAug. 3: We believe in the universal church
We believe the church is the community of all true believers of all times and places.
Continue readingAug 2: We believe faith leads to good works
While we do not believe that good works lead to salvation, we do believe that faith results in good works as a result of the renewed relationship with God that produces love for God and people.
Continue readingAug 1: We believe our greatest hope is resurrection to new life
Christianity is about entering the Kingdom of God here and now…but it also includes the promise of even greater things to come.
Continue readingJuly 31: We believe we can fall away from salvation, and be renewed
We believe a person who once experiences God’s justifying grace keeps the capacity to turn away; and that the one who turns away has the opportunity to return.
Continue readingJuly 30: We believe the sanctified person is still limited by human nature
While we believe that a person may be made perfect in love and have all motivation other than love for God and people stripped away, humans still have limitations.
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