Day 060 Matthew 6:25 – 7:28

Posted on Posted in: Daily readings, Matthew 1
The path to life is narrow, but those who seek will find

Thursday, Oct. 10
Matthew 6:25 – 7:28
Read it here
Chapters 6 and 7 are a series of teachings that can appear random but are unified in their practicality.
In chapter 5, Jesus shared the beatitudes. While beautiful and powerful, the beatitudes can look like such lofty goals that we’re not quite sure how to apply them. He then brings the challenge to live into righteousness that exceeds that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law—a noble goal, but one we might not know how to even start working on.
His teaching started with lofty theories, continued into ambitious goals, and now shifts to practical advice on how to bring those theories and goals into life. Step back a little as you read now, and turn from trying to find great ideas and instead look for earthy advice on putting those ideas into action.
How do we put God’s kingdom first? We stop worrying about things that aren’t as important as we think they are, and aren’t in our control as much as we think they are. And how do we stop worrying? By putting God’s kingdom first.
That sounds like a circular argument, but it’s really just prioritization. Decide what’s important and start there. And the world we’ll only be part of for a few unpredictable years ultimately isn’t as important as the world we’ll inhabit for eternity. Use your time on earth to enter into the eternal life to come.
There was the caution in the Lord’s Prayer that the way we forgive will shape how we are forgiven. How do we get forgiveness? Focus more on our own shortcomings that are right in front of us rather than taking a microscope to find our neighbors’ failings.
How do we get God to give us what we need? Ask.
How do we know who to trust? Look at what kind of fruit they produce.
We know it won’t always be easy, and we’ve already seen in the beatitudes that the path we’re following isn’t the wide and busy path—it leads to destruction.
Verses 7:13-14 tell us that few find the narrow path that leads to life, but notice the verses that come right before and after that.
In 7:7-12 we’re told that if we want to find, we need to seek. Few find the way to life, not because it is so well hidden, but because it is so seldom sought out.
Then 7:15-23 speaks about a tree and its fruit. If we want to know who’s telling us the truth, look at what they really produce. Don’t be distracted by the blazing color of dying leaves or the shiny tinsel hanging on a cut tree, but look at real results.
And if that doesn’t drive the point home well enough, Jesus follows with the story of the wise and foolish builders. Who has a life that withstands the inevitable storms and crises that come? What kind of faith do they have? How did they get to that point?
Jesus presents us with challenges that look impossible at first glance, but he also gives us practical advice on meeting those challenges. Both the vision and the instructions are important.

Thursday meditation

Proverbs 10:20-21
The tongue of the righteous is choice silver, but the heart of the wicked is of little value.
The lips of the righteous nourish many, but fools die for lack of sense.

Prayer focus
Pray for the wisdom to discern both the righteous and the fools, to follow the path of the wise and heed the warning of the foolish.

-Rev. Mark Fleming

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