Day 183 1 Samuel 6:14 – Chapter 17

Posted on Posted in: Daily readings, Samuel 1-2
Daved gained the respect of a king by using his own gifts rather than pretending to be soemthing and someone he wasn't

Use what God gives you
1 Samuel 16:14 – Chapter 17
A number of stories in 1 Samuel are paired, including two different accounts of how David comes to Saul’s attention.
The best known is the story of David slaying the giant Goliath with only a slingshot (though in that day slingshots were used as weapons rather than toys).
The other is the story of David being recruited to play the lyre for Saul when Saul would be tormented by an evil spirit. Then, as now, music was known to soothe the troubled soul.
Both accounts highlight things that David will be known for throughout his life: he is a brave, effective and unorthodox warrior, and he his a skilled musician credited as author of much of the poetry in the psalms.
These aren’t seen as inconsistent—even in the story of recruiting David as a court musician, he is identified as a “brave man and a warrior.” In spite of the frequent story-book depiction of David as a child, he is identified as a young man, and his inability to effectively wear Saul’s armor is based on his not being used to them, not to his small stature.
The lute-playing account also foreshadows the relationship between Saul and David: Saul’s violent instability and David’s loyal devotion in the face of it.

Monday meditation

Proverbs 19:15-17
Laziness brings on deep sleep, and the shiftless go hungry.
Whoever keeps commandments keeps their life, but whoever shows contempt for their ways will die.
Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.

Prayer focus
Lord, give me the courage to face threats despite their fearsomeness and the wisdom to use the gifts you have given me, not try to use those of others.

-Rev. Mark Fleming

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