Day 192 2 Samuel Chapters 4-5

Posted on Posted in: Daily readings, Samuel 1-2
David takes Jerusalem and establishes it as his capital city

City of David
2 Samuel Chapters 4 – 5
Once again someone makes the mistake of believing they can gain David’s favor by attacking the house of Saul—it’s not a mistake anyone ever lives to make twice.
This time it’s two brothers who have served Ish-Bosheth as leaders of raiding bands. They assassinate Ish-Bosheth in his own house, then take his head to David as proof, sealing their own fate.
The remaining followers of Ish-Bosheth accept David as their king.
David takes the city of Jerusalem (also called Jebus) and establishes it as the City of David.
David continues to grow in power, so much so that the king of Tyre makes tribute by building him a palace, further solidifying his position as king.
With his newfound role, David takes on more wives and concubines and has more children, including Solomon, who will play a pivotal role in later events and contribute heavily to our Bible.
Another name to remember from today’s reading is Mephibosheth, the lame son of Jonathan. He was mentioned in passing today, but will come up again.

Wednesday meditation

Proverbs 20:8-11
When a king sits on his throne to judge, he winnows out all evil with his eyes.
Who can say, “I have kept my heart pure; I am clean and without sin”?
Differing weights and differing measures—the Lord detests them both.
Even small children are known by their actions, so is their conduct really pure and upright?

Prayer focus
Lord, we are known by our actions; let our actions reflect a pure and loving heart.

-Rev. Mark Fleming

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