China Methodist Church and Forest Park Methodist Church
Readings, sermons, selected events
Everything is subject to change. Week and day numbers correspond to the daily Bible readings. Days are in the liturgical color, with gold representing white.
Click here for past weeks (beginning with Dec. 4, 2024)
Week 28
MONDAY 25.02.17; Day 190 Readings 2 Sam 1:1 – 2:7; Proverbs 20:4
–Presidents Day
–FP Church office closed
TUESDAY 25.02.18; Day 191 Readings 2 Sam 2:8 – 3:39; Proverbs 20:5-7
WEDNESDAY 25.02.19; Day 192 Readings 2 Sam 4:1 – 5:25; Proverbs 20:8-11
THURSDAY 25.02.20; Day 193 Readings 2 Sam 6:1 – 7:17; Proverbs 20:12
FRIDAY 25.02.21; Day 194 Readings 2 Sam 7:18 – 9:12; Proverbs 20:13
SATURDAY 25.02.22; Day 195 Readings 2 Sam 10:1 – 11:26; Proverbs 20:14-15
SUNDAY 25.02.23; Day 196 Readings 2 Sam 12:1 – 13:22; Proverbs 20:16-17
–Worship “Building houses” (2 Sam 7:1-16) Sermon emphasis David wants to build a temple as a house for God, but it is God who will build David’s house, which will last forever. Possible hymns 368 My Hope Is Built; 374 Standing On the Promises; 529 How Firm a Foundation
–FP 1 p.m. Long-range planning committee Without Tommy Williams. Focus is on shorter-range plans for revitalizing the church
–China 4 p.m. Video Talk, Episode 4.7 – The last sign
Week 29
MONDAY 25.02.24; Day 197 Readings 2 Sam 13:23-14:33; Prov 20:18-21
TUESDAY 25.02.25; Day 198 Readings 2 Sam 15:1 – 16:14; Prov 20:22-25
WEDNESDAY 25.02.26; Day 199 Readings 2 Sam 16:15 – 18:18; Prov 20:26-28
–FP 5:30 p.m. Board meeting
THURSDAY 25.02.27; Day 200 Readings 2 Sam 18:19 – 19:43; Prov 20:29
–Afternoon off
FRIDAY 25.02.28; Day 201 Readings 2 Sam 20:1 – 21:22; Prov 20:30
–Day off
SATURDAY 25.03.01; Day 202 Readings 2 Sam 22:1-51; Prov 21:1-3
–Day off
SUNDAY 25.03.02; Day 203 Readings 2 Sam 23:1 – 24:25; Prov 21:4-5
–Transfiguration Sunday
–Worship “Man after God’s own heart” (Acts 13:16-23) Communion Sermon emphasis What does it mean that David, despite all his flaws, is a man “after God’s own heart”? What is the significance of the fact that, hundreds of years later, David is still seen as a role model? Possible hymns 389 Freely, Freely; 400 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing; 419 I Am Thine, O Lord
–China 4 p.m. Final Video Talk, Episode 4.8 – Humble
Week 30
MONDAY 25.03.03; Day 204 Readings John 1:1-51; Prov 21:6-8
–Day off
TUESDAY 25.03.01; Day 205 Readings John 2:1 – 3:36; Prov 21:9-10
–Day off
WEDNESDAY 25.03.05; Day 206 Readings John 4:1 – 5:15; Prov 21:11-13
–Morning off?
–Ash Wednesday
–5:30 p.m. FP worship
–7 p.m. China worship
–Worship “Testing” (Luke 4:1-13) Sermon emphasis Temptations and tests not only prove our dedication to God, but also strengthen it. Possible hymns 395 Take Time to Be Holy; 399 Take My Life, and Let It Be; 292 What Wondrous Love Is This
THURSDAY 25.03.06; Day 207 Readings John 5:16 – 6:24; Prov 21:14-16
FRIDAY 25.03.07; Day 208 Readings John 6:25 – 7:24; Proverbs 21:17-18
SATURDAY 25.03.08; Day 209 Readings John 7:25 – 8:59; Prov 21:19-21
SUNDAY 25.03.09; Day 210 Readings John 9:1 – 10:42; Prov 21:22-24
–Daylight Saving Time begins
–Worship “From David’s descendants” (John 7:25-44) Sermon emphasis Even the Messiah is to come from among David’s descendants. Jesus is from Bethlehem and David is an ancestor, but is he also David’s spiritual descendant? Possible hymns 196 Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus; 280 All Glory, Laud, and Honor; 287 O Love Divine, What Hast Thou Done
–FP 1 p.m. Meeting with Presiding Elder Tommy Williams
–China 4 p.m. Planning meeting
MONDAY Readings
TUESDAY Readings
FRIDAY Readings
SUNDAY Readings
–Worship Sermon emphasis Possible hymns